Hi! Welcome to my humble page. Many people call me by different names. Johnny. John. Dark Legacy. Tenken. Moron. Well, you get the point. Anyway, this is the fragile beginning of my webpage, which I hope to improve when I get better with my HTML and Java skills. As of now, you'll have to put up with this. Heh. Hope you enjoy your stay here...
This page was created for a few reasons. Supposedly, in this day and age, everyone has to have one. Another reason is to inform some people of how I'm wasting my time and my youth doing. Yet another reason is to show people what I enjoy doing and hopefully to share those things with people. Most importantly, I'm doing it cause of a bet I had with someone. So there.
Within these pages contain knowledge and wisdom collected from the ages. Also contained within these pages are the most unintellectual and uninformed opinions that humankind has dared to think. Mostly, it's a page in which I am able to spew as much stuff on as many topics as I wish. Take off your shoes and enjoy exploring my twisted mind.